Special Trickz
Paytm Unlimited Recharge Trick – Get Unlimited Recharges for just Rs 50
How To do Paytm Unlimited Recharge Trick for just Rs 50 from Paytm:-
1) Firstly Download Paytm App from Here
2) Sign up a New account on Paytm.
3) Initiate a Recharge of Rs 50 or more.
4) Apply Coupon:- NEW50
5) And complete your transaction using available Payments mode.
6) You will get the Rs 50 Cashback in your paytm wallet with in 1 hour.
How to Get Unlimited Recharge at Paytm :-
7) Now Create Again a New account on Paytm & Verify Mobile Number & Email from Profile Section.
8) Initiate a Recharge of Rs 50.
9) Apply Coupon:- NEW50
10) Once your coupon is applied Successfully then Stop and follow the Step no.11.
12) Now Open your used Paytm Account and Transfer Rs 50 to your Newly account which you create in Step No.7.
13) Once your amount is successful transferred, then Complete the Recharge using “NEW50” promo code, That’s it you will get the Rs 50 Cashback to your Paytm wallet within 1 hours.
14) Do the Same Process from Step No.7 to Step No.13 again & again to get Unlimited Recharges.
Terms & Conditions:-
1) “NEW50” code works on 1 times per mobile number.
2) Applicable on Platforms – iOS, Android, Windows phone.
3) Offer valid on Mobile Recharges only.
4) Valid only on a recharge of Rs 50 or above.
5) One Mobile number can be used 1 time only, You need differnt mobile number for Apply:- NEW50 promo code.
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Tags:- Paytm new users offers, paytm new user, Paytm Unlimited Recharge Trick, Paytm cashback on Rs 50 Recharge at Paytm, paytm Rs 50 cashback offers, best offers, new users paytm, Paytm Unlimited Recharge Trick
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