Accept Or Confirm All Facebook Friend Requests At Once - 2015

Accept Or Confirm All Facebook Friend Requests At Once - 2015

Method To Accept All Pending Friend Requests

  • First of all click below given link and open it into the browser in which you have open your Facebook account.
  • After opening above given link in browser. All Pending request will visible there. 
  • Now Click F12 to open console box or even you can open it by doing right throughInspect Element
  • Copy below given code and paste it in console box. It will look like as shown below.
Accept or confirm all facebook friend request script

javascript:for( i = 1;i<document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]").length;i++){document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]")[i].click();}void(0);

  • After pasting above given code. Press Enter and wait for sometime until all pending request will not get confirmed. 
  • Now Scroll down and make sure all request are accepted. In case their is a See moreoption then click on it.
Accept all facebook friend request see more button
  • Again run the same script in console to accept request of pending request.
  • Follow the same process until all the request will not get accepted. 
Accept or confirm all facebook friend request script run
I hope you like this trick to accept all pending friends request. If you face any issue or want to suggest regarding this topic must leave your precious comment.